If you want to be inspired, I highly recommend that you watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsSC2vx7zFQ&feature=related
It brings up some really interesting points about what it takes to actually succeed. You have to strive towards success, it doesnt just come to you. You have to want it as badly as you want to breathe.
One particular point he mentions, is that you have to want it so much you don't sleep. Sleep is weak. This one struck a chord because I'm the kind of guy who really enjoys sleep. I assumed that getting 6 hours on average was pretty good, but i'm going to try and cut that back. Its amazing how much you can accomplish in a couple hours and sleep, while rewarding and necessary, sometimes holds me back. I wish I could channel some Bruce Wayne type energy and only sleep two hours a night, but I tried cutting to 4 hours of sleep and ended up gaining 15 lbs and looking super unhealthy.
One option is something my old neighbor in Baltimore used to do, Polyphasic Sleep. For those unfamiliar, Polyphasic Sleep is "the practice of sleeping multiple times in a 24-hour period—usually more than two". My neighbor swore by it and said that it was all about getting repetition and building the habit. I tried that for a week and quickly decided that it wasn't for me, however, it might work for some people. Just be careful while attempting, I hear that it sometimes leads to frequent crashes where you sleep 24 hours straight.
At the end of the day, I guess its all about how productive you are in your waking hours. There is no guarantee of success if I cut the number of hours I sleep, but I still want to try and cut back.
I had nor idea there was a name for my sleep pattern-but that's what I do already. Pockets of sleep throughout the night-'course it's not entirely my choice, but no matter. =)